Sonntag, 28. November 2010

From The North Face To Vegas: A Facebook Deals Roundup

It's been less than one month since Facebook launched its new deals service on top of its still-nascent Places platform. But that hasn't stopped it from lining up some of the US's biggest brands in time for the holiday season. A few minutes ago, the social network posted a note that shows just how many companies have already climbed on board to offer deals over the holidays. Note that some of these have already been announced (including the charitable Southwest Deal that donates $1 per check-in to the Make-a-Wish Foundation), but seeing them in one place makes it easier to gauge how much traction the feature is getting. So why is this important? As we've discussed before, these location services are in a race to snap up deals with as many national brands as possible, in addition to the longtail of local businesses.



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